On Monday we took a look in to the success of collaborative work spaces in the office and mentioned our own use of benching desk solutions. Currently, in our showroom, we utilize the Priority product line from our friends at Kimball Office.
Priority is extremely versatile and can be set up in a way that fits your space, and your employees, perfectly. Its functionality is customizeable to fit any office style, from classic to contemporary, with the added option of coordinating storage, bookcases, and tables.
Benching in the office has "improved flexibility, mobility, and easy access to power and data, which make it the ideal solution for a wide range of organizations and workers." Encouraging interaction among employees, the system provides a creative and collaborative space for workers to enjoy doing what they do. It also helps fit multiple employee stations in to a smaller space, adding value to your office real estate. Not to mention the allowance for sunlight to pour through office windows instead of being blocked by panels.
Low profile resin screens welcome successful teaming, while maintaining enough privacy for individual work. Similar to our own set-up, sleek lateral files may be topped with cushions for a place to quickly meet with coworkers and share ideas. This Kimball system can adapt to changing work modes with modular, assembled, and mobile components that come finished in wood or laminate and its versatility allows for a bold design statement "from the lobby to the executive wing and everything in between."
Drop by the NWOI showroom for a peek at the product and a detailed consultation.