April 15, 2013

What We're In To: OFS - Eleven

OFS is just one of the many success stories in the industry running with a clearly minimalist design pattern. We love the Eleven workspace, designed around this concept of "Architecture Uninterrupted" by Swiss architect and designer Daniel Korb. He "developed Eleven around a fundamental concept: 'Furniture is Architecture on a Different Scale'." Korb was able to use this to design an effortless blend of function, storage, and media integration for interior spaces. Inspired by the international style and backed up with an architect's eye for detail, Eleven "presents an adaptable, sustainable aesthetic that scales from private to collaborative and open spaces."

We're definitely into making lives easier at the office, and we're always looking for new ways to integrate fresh technology into our spaces. The Eleven tables are perfect for charging up iPads, iPhones, laptops, you name it. When work goes uninterrupted, office productivity can only follow suit. Their sleek design is just an added bonus to these extremely functional tables. There are no visible fasteners or bulky eye sores to interrupt the visual aesthetic of the product, remaining faithful to a truly minimalist design idea. What a perfect addition to your newly renovated space, bringing your office to the 21st century.

Coming in a variety of finishes, these well designed tables aim to match the look you're hoping to achieve...and that's something we can get behind. Here's a closer look at Eleven at work: 

Contact us at NWOI for more details!

Products shown include: Eleven Workspace, Madrid chairs, and Flexxy Swivel Chairs